Comics. Music. Multimedia.



Welcome to Candy Blood Comics! Our first graphic novel entry is . . .  LAST MONDAY 

A 240 page graphic novel one off, Last Monday takes place the day before 9/11/2001 and is the story of 6 friends trying to throw 1 last epic party before growing up and moving apart, all while dealing with the loss of their best friend one week earlier.

Get LAST MONDAY now on Comixology and Kindle Books – or get your digital and physical copies Here!

Get Last Monday


Please welcome to the stage… TERROR IN 3D!

A swanky new take on the SURF ROCK genre!
From the band: “Terror in 3D is a cross between Pixies, Queens of the Stone Age and the ‘From Dusk Til Dawn’ vampire band!
If TI3D’s music was a gif it would be Charles Manson Go-Go dancing.”

Check out TI3D debut single tracks:

Go! Go-Go Ghost Girls! Go!

Welcome to Cannibal Cove

and Shark Repellant Bat-Spray

And stay tuned for the release of their 3 EP debut albums this fall 2024.

Listen To TERROR IN 3D! Here

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